When I were a lad at school, my two favourite books in the library was a Fabulous beasts book and an Ancient mysteries book, in the latter was the Carnac stone rows and a dolmen, this one, at Crucuno. So this was perhaps the first dolmen I was ever aware of, and now 32 years later, here I am, and I can scarcely believe it. They say that you should never meet your heroes, but I say tosh and cobblers, get in your car and get your arse into gear, go, go now.
It’s as simple as driving on the wrong side of the road to find, and many and much parking places to be had just yards away. It was taller than most other dolmens we’ve seen, no bowing and crouching here. The way the capstone fits onto the uprights, and the way they are set into the ground makes it feel to me to be a perfect example of whatever type of dolmen it is, a show room model.
The house next door, very next door, is still dilapidated, signs tell us of it’s dangers, either tear it down or fix it up, please.
I’ve heard it said that the village idiot used to live here, what ? with that great big puddle ? poor chap. But the village idiot is a bit not nice, I prefer another way I’ve heard of describing him, a simple spirit. Could’ve been talking about me.