
Image of Dolmen de Kerluir by costaexpress

Slowly losing this one to the gorse and bracken, however, worth the scratches with a clear view over to the Tumulus St Michel. Shorts and t shirt great for heatwave not so good for visiting this wonderful dolmen.

Image of Dolmen de Kerluir by Spaceship mark

The Dolmen de Kerluir is now easily accessible via a path cuth through the gorse. Easier but not as much fun...

Image credit: Mark Williamson


Dolmen de Kerluir

Breton expert Mark had accompanied Julian on his fact-finding mission for his book ‘The Megalithic European’ (TME) two years before and from what I could gather Mark had not visited many of the sites we would see today since then. Our first stop was just a 300metre walk away Kerluir dolmen and menhir.

In TME Julian recounts the story of his and Mark’s visit to this place and the gorse-diving necessary to reach it. As we approached we saw that a convenient path had been cut through the ‘ajonc’ to reach it. This disappointed Mark as I think he liked the difficulty/reward thing but pleased me as I am rather susceptible to gorse splinters. Today the gorse was in full bloom and it was like walking through a golden forest which was alive with green- and goldfinches. The dolmen is sweet and small and amazingly the capstone is held up by only two uprights. Exit the gorse and walk 15metres to up close and personal with the porpoise-like Kerluir menhir.

Sites within 20km of Dolmen de Kerluir