Once stood very close to the equally ‘giant’ Er Grah Cairn, assuming it didn’t break as they tried to erect it some 5000 years ago
Open to debate, but the earthquake theory seems to me to be the best.
“In its unbroken state the menhir would have measured 20.3 metres.” Aubrey Burl, Megalithic Brittany, page 135
Down but not out, one of the stars of megalithic Brittany.
The line of cairn-likes mark where the alignment of menhirs stood, all but one is gone now, (and not all of that one remains) gone to build the local and some not so local dolmens.
Somewhere the sun is going down.
Clearly that bit fits on there, but the big piece has been turned round.
And that’s not all of it, some of it got taken away to be used constructing dolmen.
Tuesday 12 April 2005 Not the most flattering view, but really gets across the colossalness of the thing
You’re not meant to walk on the grass but I did anyway because I wanted to get up close and feel the scale of it.
Taken Summer 1996: A photo of Le Grand Menhir Brisé, taken with a super wide angle lense to try and fit it all in.
Piles of stones mark the post holes of the Grand Menhir alignement
Visited 14.09.23
Grand Menhir Brise is one of Locmariaquer’s big three sites. It is only accessible via the Site des Megalithes Visitor Centre for 6 euros. To be fair, there are three impressive monuments, unrestricted visiting time and free parking so what’s not to like?
Grand Menhir Brise consists of four massive recumbent stones which are though to have been parts of one of the largest ever menhirs, measuring c. 20 metres long. There is speculation as to whether the Grand Menhir Brise either broke on erection or as a result of an earthquake or was deliberately toppled. There is archaeological evidence of 19 socket holes forming a giant stone row, with Grand Menhir Brise as an end stone. Whatever the reality, there is no doubt that the Grand Menhir Brise is an impressive antiquity.
From Mane Rutual I walked up the road to the gate where you can look over it at the three marvels here, Er Grah, Table Des Marchands and Le Grand Menhir Brise. From the gate the big broken stone is tantalisingly close, there was no one around, so, like a very bad boy I jumped over the gate in a trice and had the trio to myself.
If I’d paid to go in I wouldn’t have been able to walk on the grass, touch the stone, or even have a good look around it. But as it’s after closing time there would be no getting into the Marchants table.
It’s all about give and take, ive given Brittany over a thousand pounds, I wanna see the stones and no little gate is gonna stop me. Am I a bad ass or just determined?
Le Grand Menhir Brise was the biggest standing stone in France, possibly in Europe, only Egyptian obelisks are taller, but I don’t really class them as standing stones. If you know of a bigger one please let me know. It may have stood 14 meters high, if it ever stood at all. Some parts of the broken stone have been removed to be capstones for nearby and not so nearby dolmens.
The four remaining pieces are most impressive, and no matter where you are in the complex your eye keeps being drawn back to the great broken stone.
Three pieces are still in such a position that you can see they still lie where they fell, but the fourth and biggest piece has somehow twisted around and away from the other three. It is difficult to imagine where the parts that were removed came from as the four parts seem to fit together.
It is a most perplexing and mysterious thing. Oh, and it’s very very big.
Grand Menhir Brisé (GMB) is almost too vast to comprehend. After we arrived off the ferry in St Malô the day before we swung by the Menhir du Champs Dolent at Dol-de-Bretagne and I thought that – at 32 feet tall – was a big one.
Turns out that compared to GMB, it’s a tiddler.
But GMB no longer stands. It lies fallen and broken in four mammoth pieces on the manicured grass to be marvelled at in the same way as one would view the body of a dead, beached whale. I was aware that a ‘fragment’ of this great broken stone had been carted off and reused to build Gavrinis which I would see later. So large is this stone that some wonder if it was ever vertical.
La glissade appears rarely to have been practised on true megaliths, for the reason that they rarely present the inclination necessary to its accomplishment. It is, however, said at Loc- mariaker, in the Morbihan, that formerly every young girl who wished to marry within the year, on the night of the first of May got on the large menhir, turned up her skirts and let herself slide from top to bottom. The menhir mentioned was the largest one known; but it is now broken in four pieces which lie on the ground; according to most authors it was still standing at the beginning of the eighteenth century. This custom, which could not be followed when the stone stood vertical, twelve meters in height, is, then, relatively modern, yet it is possible that the young girls of the locality have come to follow, on the pieces, an ancient custom which was formerly held on some natural stone in the neighborhood.
The Worship of Stones in France
Paul Sébillot and Joseph D. McGuire
American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol. 4, No. 1 (Jan. – Mar., 1902), pp. 76-107
Sites within 20km of Grand Menhir Brise
Table des Marchants
photo 22forum 1description 4 -
photo 11description 3link 1 -
Mane Lud
photo 20description 2 -
Mané Rutuel
photo 24description 3 -
photo 9description 2 -
photo 4description 1 -
photo 11description 4 -
Les Pierres Plats
photo 30description 5 -
Dolmen de St-Pierre Loperec
photo 4description 1 -
Dolmen de Pointe Er Hourél
photo 5description 1 -
Menhir de Kerpenhir
photo 3description 1 -
Dolmen de Kercadoret
photo 10description 3 -
Dolmen de Toulvern
photo 1link 1 -
photo 18description 3link 1 -
Er Lannic
photo 8description 4 -
Dolmens de Kerran
photo 9description 1 -
Dolmen de Kermané
photo 8description 2 -
Menhir de Kerangoff
photo 4description 1 -
Dolmen de Mané Canaplaye S
photo 4description 1 -
Dolmen de Mané Canaplaye N
photo 4description 1 -
Allee Couverte de Grah-Niol
photo 4description 1 -
Dolmen de Kervehennec
photo 1 -
Le Petit Mont
photo 13description 3 -
Dolmen de Mané Rohr
Mané Roularde
photo 6description 2link 1 -
Tumulus de Tumiac
photo 1description 1 -
Tumulus de Rocher
photo 19description 3 -
Dolmen de Kervilor Mané-Bras
photo 12description 1 -
Dolmens de Parc Gueren
photo 10description 1 -
photo 5description 2 -
Alignements de Petit-Ménec
photo 11description 2link 1 -
Dolmen de Beaumer
photo 8description 1link 1 -
Dolmen de Kerlescan
photo 1 -
Alignements de Kerlescan
photo 21description 3 -
Tumulus de Kercado
photo 17description 3 -
Cromlech de Kerlescan Ouest
photo 2description 1 -
Cromlech de Kerlescan Nord
photo 1 -
Géant du Manio
photo 6description 3 -
Menhir de Kermaillard
photo 5description 1 -
Menhir de Kerlagade
Menhir de Kerlagade
Quadrilataire de Manio
photo 12description 4 -
Tertre Tumulaire de Kermario
photo 1 -
Dolmen de Kerluir
photo 7description 1 -
Menhir de Kerluir
photo 8description 1 -
Alignements de Kermario
photo 29description 4 -
Dolmen de la Madeleine
photo 2 -
Dolmen de Kermario
photo 12description 2 -
Dolmen et Menhir de Carnac-Plage
photo 2description 1 -
Tumulus de St Michel
photo 15description 3 -
photo 1 -
Dolmen du Cruz Moquen
photo 2description 1link 1 -
Dolmen de Mané-Brisil
Alignements de Ménec
photo 17description 3 -
Menhir de Crifol
Cromlech de Ménec
photo 12description 1 -
Cromlech de Crucuny
photo 5description 1 -
Tumulus de Crucuny
photo 9description 2 -
Dolmen de Nauterio
Dolmen de Lannek-er-Men
photo 3description 1link 1 -
Mané Keriavel
photo 29description 2 -
Dolmen de Kluder-Yer
Dolmens de Mane Kerioned
photo 42description 2 -
Dolmen de Kerroc’h
photo 2 -
Dolmen de Runesto
photo 4description 1 -
Dolmen de Kergavat
photo 17description 2link 1 -
Dolmens de Quéric la Lande
photo 1 -
Dolmen du Cosquer
photo 8description 2 -
Dolmens de Rondossec
photo 29description 3link 1 -
Mané Bogad
photo 1 -
Les Trois Menhirs du Champ
photo 8 -
Alignements de Vieux Moulin
photo 10description 1 -
Dolmen de Kernevé
photo 1description 1link 1 -
Crucuno Rectangle
photo 10description 2 -
Dolmen de Mané Croc’h
photo 13description 4 -
Dolmen de Kergazec
photo 6description 1link 1 -
Alignements de St Barbe
photo 17description 1 -
photo 7description 1 -
Dolmen de Crucuno
photo 19description 4link 1 -
Alignements de Moulin de St Pierre
photo 17description 2 -
Cromlech de Kerbourgnec
photo 15description 2 -
Dolmen de Roh-an-Aod
photo 15description 2 -
Mané Braz
photo 29description 2 -
Menhirs de Kerjean
photo 4description 1 -
Conguel Dolmen
photo 4 -
Quiberon Menhir
photo 2 -
Dolmen du Port Blanc
photo 3 -
Alignements de Kerzerho
photo 41description 3 -
Dolmen de Botlann
photo 1 -
Menhirs de Mané-Meur
photo 7description 1 -
Pointe de la Guérite
photo 2 -
Menhirs Beg-er-Goalennec
photo 5description 1 -
Dolmen de Kerclément
photo 1 -
Dolmen des Sept Saints
photo 2description 1