
Image of Dolmen de Kergavat by ryaner

I was followed around by telegraph poles and cables.

Image credit: ryaner
Image of Dolmen de Kergavat by ryaner

Close up of what look like two portal stones, the capstone having slipped backwards (though this could just be my imaginings, dolmen being a catch-all word in these parts, including passage graves, and not the pseudonym for portal tombs as it is closer to home).

Image credit: ryaner
Image of Dolmen de Kergavat by ryaner

Another of the ‘just happened to be passing’ dolmens I encountered on my trip. Traffic on the road is quite unforgiving so be careful.

Image credit: ryaner
Image of Dolmen de Kergavat by postman

We’re falling over them now.

Image credit: Chris Bickerton
Image of Dolmen de Kergavat by Moth

Sunday 17 April 2005

Image credit: Tim Clark
Image of Dolmen de Kergavat by Moth

Sunday 17 April 2005

Image credit: Tim Clark
Image of Dolmen de Kergavat by Moth

Sunday 17 April 2005 Can anyone else see a tortoise here?

Image credit: Tim Clark
Image of Dolmen de Kergavat by Moth

Sunday 17 April 2005

Image credit: Tim Clark
Image of Dolmen de Kergavat by Moth

Sunday 17 April 2005

Image credit: Tim Clark
Image of Dolmen de Kergavat by Spaceship mark

When posted in India, Glyn Daniel was startled to see film of German soldiers firing from this very dolmen.
Its current situation by the Carnac-Plouharnel road means it is not much quieter today!

Image credit: Mark Williamson


Dolmen de Kergavat

Just south of Plouharnel on the D781 to Carnac, another dolmen throwing itself in front of me, so what can one do but swerve dangerously into the adjacent farm entrance, and dump the car for a very short while.
Leaving the kids in the car for a few minutes I carefully legged it across the busy road for a quick sniff about. Sometimes having an ancient site right next to a house can be a bit disheartening, but this one is right by a house and so close to the road that it looks like it’s playing frogger, a simple spirit might mistake it for a bus stop.
Were it anywhere else it would be fabulous, a nice big capstone held up with uprights pointy and squat, with cairn material or dry stone walling at the back of the chamber. Next time I come to Brittany I’m not going to bother with a hotel I’m going to sleep rough in a dolmen, a different one every day. Not sure what the kids are going to do though..

Dolmen de Kergavat

The Dolmen de Kergavat has a large chamber and some sizeable stones, but like so much stuff hereabouts is unceremoniously ignored. But here it is – a huge and beautiful dolmen – virtually playing chicken with passing traffic, parked at the roadside.

Sites within 20km of Dolmen de Kergavat