

Trezelland Two Stones

I can find no record of these two stones, either as prehistoric or later. At first i though they could be a entrance to something but they are only just inside an old field wall and although there are stones littered between them there are known either side.

Not on a well use footpath, I don’t suppose anyone else will be heading this way...but you never know.


Trezelland Two Stones
Standing Stones

Visited 16.03.14

On the SW edge of Hendra Downs there is a pair of earthbound stones in a corner of a field c. 200 yards NW of Trezelland Farm. The stones are set like a portal, broad sides facing one another on a low mound They are around 3.5 feet high with a 3 feet gap between them. Several smaller stones are exposed above the grass in the gap. The stones look more like structural remnants of a cairn than a pair of standing stones.

Sites within 20km of Trezelland Two Stones