
Starapark Barrows

Starapark Barrows – 1.4.2003

In the absence of any name I know of I’ve given the area this name. Two kilometres south of the Tich Barrow are four more barrows in a small area. I only visited one, the one on the south east of the A39. A small road does a loop (signposted ‘St.Kitts Herbery’). One barrow lies in a field here – it’s quite large but very flat and not particularly impressive.

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Starapark Barrows
Barrow / Cairn Cemetery

Much of the Davidstow area was excavation c1939 by Croft Andrew for Dept of Works prior to the building of Davidstow Airfield. In the area mentioned were a considerable amount of airfield admin etc buildings – some remain. The techniques used for excavation at the time do mean that much would have been left disturbed. The biggest problem is that Croft Andrew did not get to publish much from his notes. Although this information is now available it is written third hand. I shall see what I can find and perhaps leave more information.

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Starapark Barrows
Barrow / Cairn Cemetery

Kelly’s Directory of Cornwall 1926


......On the Bodmin Moors, near the village is a group of barrows surrounded by well defined moat filled with water, and also a genuine long barrow measuring 170 ft long and 60 feet wide; the burial chamber is at the east end and there are the remains of a fine chromlech. The capstone is huge, 18ft by 7ft, and is composed of igneous rock not found nearer than a mile, so that prehistoric man must have dragged it at least that distance. There are 18 cup markings, a very rare feature, as there is only one other example in Cornwall, in the parish of St Keverne.

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Starapark Barrows
Barrow / Cairn Cemetery

The two stones pictured can now be found in North Cornwall Museum at Camelford. They were taken there in 2008 after spending time at a locals school. They had originally been excavated at Starapark in the 1950s where they made up part of the kerb of the barrow. It is thought there were more than the two stones originally but the others have been lost or destroyed.
The two stones are rare examples of cup marked stones in Cornwall and do not have any recognisable pattern.

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Sites within 20km of Starapark Barrows