The stone points north west.
The stone points north west.
Te stone points north west.
A well bearded stone.
One stands, one is down.
he remaining stone that stands.
Looking north, fallen stones suggest a stone row.
Looking north, note the fallen stone.
Emerged from the forest at last but for how long and still not easy to find.
From the fort at Creag An Dunan I headed back to the main track and followed it until it came to Sannaig, a collection of a long empty township and rusting machines. When this track meets another track head north east continually looking north west, here you’ll find/see a couple of tracks made by visitors to the stone(s).
Originally this would have been part of a stone row with three stones. However two have fallen and are gradually being covered in moss. A gentle restoration would be nice for the intact fallen stone, sadly the third stone appears to be broken.
Set in a nice open space, this is a beautiful site.
Visited 29/07/2021.