
Image of Suidh’ An Eoin Mor (Standing Stone / Menhir) by drewbhoy

The fallen stone has some stones for company, it has the Paps Of Jura to the east.

Image credit: drew/A/B
Image of Suidh’ An Eoin Mor (Standing Stone / Menhir) by drewbhoy

This looking south west, the hills of the Oa in the distance.

Image credit: drew/A/B


Suidh’ An Eoin Mor

The standing stone at Suidh An Eoin Mor, now not standing, must have still stood at a jaunty angle at least until 1968. Since then it has decided to take a rest.

On the surface DCK 1817 can be seen, markings on the other side obviously can’t be seen. It would have stood at just over 0.5m high.

From Ballygrant Loch head a short distance south until the minor road is dead straight, I pulled in at the first gate. A fairly steepish climb, west, and a couple of jumps over fences lead to the site. Two more stones have been dumped nearby. I wonder if they once stood somewhere or were all connected in some way.

Beautiful all round views, well worth a visit for that alone.

Visited 2/8/2018.

Sites within 20km of Suidh’ An Eoin Mor