Behind the dun/island and head about a 1/2 mile there is a crannog.
Behind the dun/island and head about a 1/2 mile there is a crannog.
Info board giving info about earlier goings ons at Council Island.
Taken from the chapel at Finlaggan.
I’ve always been fascinated by Finlaggan and the Lord of the Isles, as a youngster my first memory of this place being a brass band piece with same name. What I didn’t know was that the ‘Council Isle’ or Eilean Na Comhairle was indeed a dun.
Take your time walking through Eilean Mor, there is much to learn and discover, and head to the southern bank. The nearby island is the dun.
Separated from Eilean Mor by 50m of water the Council Isle is 30 m wide. The dun, or perhaps broch, as suggested on the info board has been built over by a medieval castle which used stonework from earlier times.
A stunning place, it will be good to see a detailed excavation note.
Visited 2/8/2018.