Visited 11.9.11
I couldn’t resist taking a look at this Hillfort after visiting the nearby Bones Caves.
Parking is difficult along the busy A368 although we did manage to pull over in front of a wooden gate which was padlocked. A sign on a tree stated ‘Private – No Access’.
(The O/S map shows there is no public right of access to the Hillfort)
If you are the sort to ignore such signs (hypothetically speaking of course!) this is what you will find:
Up and over the gate and head straight up the steep side of the hill. The whole side of the hill is covered in trees / bushes / brambles etc. It is certainly tough going. When you get near the top of the hill there is evidence of tumbled stone walls – I do not know if these are the remains of stone ramparts or some later building? There is then a levelled area of about 20 metres before more tumbled stones can be seen.
You then come to the largely eroded ditch with its inner rampart – standing about 2 metres high from the bottom of the ditch. Through more trees and you come to another wooden field gate leading to the centre of the Hillfort. This consists of a large grassed area which is conical not flat – no crops or animals in evidence. (I have no idea why this gate is here as it doesn’t lead anywhere!)
Due to the fact that I wasn’t supposed to be here in the first place and more importantly, I had left Karen and the children in the car which was rather dodgy parked on the verge near a bend, I didn’t want to hang around and explore any further. I therefore can’t comment on how well preserved (or not) the rest of the Hillfort is.
I slip/slided down the hill and was soon back at the car.
There wasn’t a lot to see in all honesty although those tumbled stone walls were certainly interesting. I didn’t see any sign of a cross cut into the bedrock.
One for the dedicated only I would say.