
Image of Carrowkeel – Cairn E (Court Tomb) by ryaner

Closer in view from the rear of the undifferentiated passage grave at the NNW end of the long cairn. It's aligned onto Knocknarea.

Image credit: ryaner


Carrowkeel Cairn E

This is the odd one out amongst the Carrowkeel cairns as it is the only long cairn.

It has been classified as a court cairn because of the unusual features at its S end.

However the excavators in 1911 found a transepted (cruciform) chamber at the N end so it appears to have some passage grave features as well. This is now the most visible feature at the site.

Only two days were spent excavating the cairn so some important detail may have been missed.

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Sites within 20km of Carrowkeel Cairn E