
Image of Knockacorha (Standing Stone / Menhir) by ryaner

A Roscommon standing (for how much longer?) stone

Image credit: ryaner



Slightly closer to the road than is marked on the OS map, you can see this one as you drive by (12/11/06). It’s a delightfully odd, 2 metre tall, deeply eroded, leaning phallus. How it hasn’t collapsed is anyone’s guess. The erosion on the side away from the road was a nice surprise.


Standing Stone / Menhir

Killuken, county Roscommon.
In a field on the roadside from Carrick to Croghan, on the left hand, is a long stone set up obliquely. The common people call this Cloghcom, i.e., the crooked stone, and say that it was thrown there from the top of Skimore, in the county of Leitrim (a distance of about seven miles), by the Giant Fin mac-Coole, the print of whose five fingers they say is to be seen in it.

Taken from ‘A statistical account or parochial survey of Ireland, drawn from the communications of the clergy, by William Shaw Mason. 1814-1819.
Quoted on p333 of
Irish Folk-Lore. [Continued]
William Shaw Mason
The Folk-Lore Journal, Vol. 5, No. 4. (1887), pp. 331-335.

Kindly identified by Ryaner – many thanks.

Sites within 20km of Knockacorha