Kesh Caves, June 2019.
Kesh Caves, June 2019.
I ventured in to all the caves, but never as deeply as was possible. Most were dank and dripping. Were they ever inhabited? Probably, would be my sense of things. The remains of campfires and the beer tins show they still have a draw.
The entrances to caves M and N.
Another one the connecting channels, this one lit up with flash. Despite all my wishful thinking, I couldn’t ever call these interiors cozy.
Access to this site is not for the faint-hearted. Along the cave-notched cliff-face and just to its left on the horizon line is Knocknarea.
Rebirth anyone?
Birth anyone?
Some of the smaller entrances actually lead into the deeper caverns.
Some of the caves have connecting channels that are perpendicular to the cave entrances. This is between H and J (I think) with artificial light from a torch.
Another of the cave entrances.
The floor is very damp about 15 metres deep inside the large cave E/F.
The largest entrance at Kesh caves, marked E on Praeger’s plan and also known as Cormac’s cave.
The caves of Kesh from the road below. Did a reccy here on Saturday, going back on Thursday.