There are a few raths in Sroove, but this is the only one I see with an en-suite Souterrain, according to the Historic Environment Viewer map.
In the townland of Shroofe there is to be found a fort of immense size. It is owned by Patrick Finan. It is circular in shape and has a stone fence around it. Many interesting stories are told about this fort.
In the centre there is to be found an entrance consisting of stone stairs leading down to a room made of stone. This room is about six feet from the surface.
In 1916 any of the Irish Youths hid in this room from enemies who were called “the Black and Tans.”
When deaths occurred in this district of Shroofe lights were to be noticed in and around the fort.
Many people say that the fairies sing with great joy when a couple gets married. Others say the fairies chant “The Dead March” when a funeral is taking place.
It is told by ancient people that a number of them have discovered a “Black Cat” on guard in the entrance under ground, during the night.
The owner of the land never interferes with this fort, because tradition tells us that the crops sown by any man who interferes with this fort, will not bear good fruit but will fail and that he, in a year or less, will find himself failing.It is true that a man of the name Terence Mac Dermot interfered with this fort by cutting one of the trees which was growing beside the entrance and he died on the anniversary of the day.
During the Xmas season people say that the fairies are heard churning. They say that by doing this they help to provide food for the Infant Jesus.
There is a spring well beside this fort and its waters are never used for tea because old people tell us that this water would never boil.
I like the mention of black cats, I wonder if this is a fierce moggy or an early sighting of my favourite, the Anomalous Big Cat? They’re clearly not to be messed with, whichever. Also I do find it amazing how many stories can be associated with a single location in Ireland – where else could you get themes relating to fairies, Jesus, cats, unboilable water and handy hiding places, all in one spot?This story is part of the folklore collected by the Schools Collection in the 1930s, and now being digitised at