
Image of Aghanagh (Court Tomb) by ryaner

Unloved court tomb in megalith-rich Sligo. Pity.

Image credit: ryaner
Image of Aghanagh (Court Tomb) by ryaner

I would have had a go at the brambles and nettles to reveal the jambstones but there was livestock in the field.

Image credit: ryaner
Image of Aghanagh (Court Tomb) by ryaner

From the south. The hills to the left are the Bricklieve Mountains with Carrowkeel passage grave cemetery.

Image credit: ryaner
Image of Aghanagh (Court Tomb) by ryaner

Looking east, with Lough Arrow in the distance to the left. This is taken from the back of the tomb. The closest stone is possibly a displaced roofstone or sidestone.

Image credit: ryaner

Sites within 20km of Aghanagh