

Giant’s Foot

Visited 02.06.13

The Giant’s Foot is large recumbent stone on the W edge of Shap. It is considered by Historic England (go to Links) to be be a remnant of Shap Stone Alignment. It is an irregular flat stone measuring c. 9 feet long, 7 feet wide and 4 feet high.

Directions: A path leading W starts off Shap Main Street between the tennis court and Croft Avenue. After c. 50 yards the path continues SW across a field for c. 120 yards to a junction of dry stane dykes. The path turns SE along a dry stane dyke for c. 50 yards to reach the substantial recumbent Giant’s Foot stone.

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Giant’s Foot

Visited 18.9.10

Quite easy to find although it is not visible from the main road.

When you arrive in Shap, park near the Kings Arms pub. Between the pub and the house next door is a public footpath sign. Follow this sign although it looks like you are walking up someone’s garden. Over the stone stile and follow the path to the right. The footpath takes you straight past the stone.

The stone was much bigger than I expected – approximately 1 metre high by 2 metres square. For some reason I really liked this stone and would recommend a look when visiting the other sites around Shap.

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Sites within 20km of Giant’s Foot