
Image of Graig Fawr (West) Enclosure (Hillfort) by GLADMAN

One gets the feeling this hilltop gets very busy upon fine summer days. Nah, winter’s better, methinks.

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Graig Fawr (West) Enclosure (Hillfort) by GLADMAN

The inclement weather prevented any distant views; however, the swirling mist did lend a somewhat claustrophobic, suitably intense vibe to the visit.

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Graig Fawr (West) Enclosure (Hillfort) by GLADMAN

Although by no means substantial... the surviving bank of the summit enclosure of Graig Fawr is at least traceable for its circumference.

Image credit: Robert Gladstone


Sites within 20km of Graig Fawr (West) Enclosure