
Visited 2.7.11

I am amazed that this mighty stone has not previously been recorded on TMA!

Directions: Head west along the M4 until it ends at junction 49 (Pont Abraham). Take the A483 north and then take the turning right onto the B4297. There is just enough room to park up at the second turning on the left, which leads to Bryn-y-Rhyd Farm.
Karen and Sophie sat in the car whilst myself and Dafydd walked along the concrete farm drive towards the stone.
It is only a short 5 minute walk and the stone is very easy to spot being on the left of the drive. Entrance to the field is through a wooden field gate.
The stone is approx 9ft high x 6ft wide x 1ft deep. The stone had ‘texture’ which reminded me a bit of bark on a tree.
In the field next to the stone was a pen full of calves. Dafydd enjoyed these more than the stone! I preferred the stone although the calves were cute.
At this point I had a text from Karen saying that a woman had come out of the house where we had parked next to (plenty of room) and that we were not allowed to park there! The woman said it was her son’s house and that we would need his permission. Karen gave the woman as good as she got and recommended she go get her son then. Needless to say he never appeared! Nice one Karen.
Don’t be put off by this (there is always ‘one’ everywhere you go), the stone is a cracker, easy to access and well worth a visit.

COFLEIN describes the stone thus:
‘A massive, unshaped erect monolith, c2.4m high and 1.9m wide’.