
Image of Crach-lwyn (Ring Cairn) by thesweetcheat

All I could find that might be the cairn, a short section of stone bank. Looking eastwards to Mynydd Allt-y-Grug.

Image credit: A. Brookes (7.10.2023)



Ring Cairn

GGAT description, GGAT 72 Prehistoric Funerary and Ritual Sites survey 2001:

On a fairly level area at the base of sloping ground falling to SE; now much less clear than described by previous fieldworkers.

In 1962 is was described by RCAHMW as ‘A ring cairn, 11.6 – 12.8 m in external diameter, consisting of a bank of stones 1.8 – 2.5 m wide and 0.3 m high [and an] inner kerb of upright slabs survive[ing] for a short distance on the W. The top of a single small upright is visible near the centre. A stony area 6.1m by 4.6 m adjoining the N. side of the cairn is probably the result of disturbance.‘

Now very indistinct; bank (c3m across) survives only at N and E, with possible slight indications at N and E, but peters out on S side; interior slightly dished. Entirely grass-covered, with profile confused by many small hummocks; two blocks of sandstone (0.6/0.7m across) visible at SE, and a scatter of very small blocks (0.1m). 13.8 (E-W); 0.5m high

Sites within 20km of Crach-lwyn