

Ballinaby (North)

Just to the north of the very tall stone at Ballinaby sits another standing stone, originally three stood but two remain. Attempts have been made to move this stone but it still stands. Sadly these attempts have done damage.

It has been broken and now stands at 2m in height, fair enough, but Canmore says the stone is 3m wide, I would say no more than 1.5m. Perhaps something has fallen and it has been removed. One thing for sure was that these stones indicated a safe harbour which there is – Traigh Fleisgein Bheag.

Once again a beautiful place.

Visited 1/8/2018.


Ballinaby (North)
Standing Stone / Menhir

Canmore ID 37386 (go to Links) estimates the girth of the stone to be 3m at the base, girth being the distance round the perimeter of an object.
Although I didn’t measure this on my visit the estimate seems reasonable to me.

Sites within 20km of Ballinaby (North)