The probable real reason for the stone, the sea is to the north.
The probable real reason for the stone, the sea is to the north.
Looking west.
Straight up.
Loch Gorm and the hills of South Islay.
You can see the other standing stone, follow the track to the left.
An Carnan and another standing stone are to the north.
Islay – Ballinaby Standing Stone ( South)
Islay – Ballinaby Standing Stone (South)
Islay – Ballinaby Standing Stone ( South)
Islay – Ballinabay Standing Stone ( South)
Islay – Ballinaby Standing Stone (South)
Just slightly to north of Carnduncan take the minor road heading west which skirts the north side of Loch Gorm. Pull in at Ballinaby Farm, plenty room.
The huge standing stone is just to the north east of the farm. Follow a well used path up a wee hill and follow some well built dry stane dykes. It is a stunning stone standing 4.9m tall with tremendous all round views west to Saligo Bay, east to Loch Gorm, north to An Carnan and south towards the hills at Turnaichaidh.
Most people turn round at this point, we didn’t as in the distance to the north, well hidden, I spied another standing stone.
Visited 1/8/2018.
Ballinaby 1 Standing Stone on Canmore.