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Links by juamei

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Priapus Stone (Standing Stone / Menhir)

Journal of antiquities page about the stone

Hendraburnick Quoit (Dolmen / Quoit / Cromlech)


Blog post about the photogrammetry survey of the rock art on the top of the Quoit.

Bryn Celli Ddu (Chambered Cairn)

Bryn Celli Ddu passage tomb revisited

"Our new survey aimed to identify evidence for an external bank and to locate other unrecorded archaeological features within the scheduled area. Evidence for a bank would potentially inform understanding of the chrono-typological development of later Neolithic monuments across north-west Atlantic Europe, in Ireland, Wales and Scotland."

Springfield Lyons Bronze Age Enclosure

Springfield Lyons Bronze Age Enclosure | Chelmsford City Council

Nice page by the local council about the site includes maps, what to expect and find pictures.

Hambledon (Hillfort)

Excavation and survey of the neolithic stuff

Excavation and survey of a
Neolithic monument complex and
its surrounding landscape
Volumes 1 & 2
Roger Mercer and Frances Healy

Lismore Fields (Ancient Village / Settlement / Misc. Earthwork)

Image of excavation at Lismore fields

Image contained in the middle of the "East Midlands Research framework wiki: Chapter 4 The Neolithic and Early to Middle Bronze Age"
(main page link

Findern-Willington (Cursus)

Derbyshire and Peak District ALSF National Mapping Programme

Half way down this page is a ground plan showing the path of the cursus.

Drayton St Leonard (Cursus)

Drayton St Leonard Cursus and possible Causewayed Enclosure

Cheetham Close (Stone Circle)

GMAC Vol 1, Ch 1 - Bronze Age complex on Cheetham Close, Turton (M.Fletcher) [pdf]

The Greater Manchester Archaeological Journal Volume 1 1985 - Chapter 1 -Bronze Age complex on Cheetham Close, Turton (M.Fletcher)

Great summary of the site including maps, history, detailed descriptions and context.

Church Lawton (Barrow / Cairn Cemetery)

Excavation reports (on page46) - Cheshire Archaeological Bulletin vol 8

A short report of what was found upon excavation in 1980 by Robina McNeil.

The Humber Stone (Standing Stone / Menhir)

This Was Leicestershire

A pic showing the stone dugout to a depth of maybe 5 foot. Looks like it might have been broken off at some point and then flipped onto its side maybe?

The Bridestones (Burial Chamber)


Stoke On Trent Museum Archaeological Society results for magnetometer and resistance surveying in the field next to the remaining stones. Also includes a brief antiquarian history of the site together with a report into a small excavation looking at anomalies in the scans.

Aveline's Hole (Cave / Rock Shelter)

UBSS - Pursuing a rabbit in Burrington Combe': New Research on [...] Aveline's Hole - Schulting,R.

Schulting,R., 2005. '… Pursuing a rabbit in Burrington Combe': New Research on the Early Mesolithic burial cave of Aveline's Hole. UBSS Proceedings, 23(3) , pp 171-265

Abstract: The main focus of this paper is the re-analysis of the fragmentary human skeletal assemblage from Aveline's Hole. A brief history of the site's discovery and excavation is presented. A minimum of 21 individuals can be identified in the extant collection, including both sexes and a wide range of ages from neonatal to older adult. Some stress markers are evident in the form of cribra orbitalia, linear enamel hypoplasia and Harris lines. Evidence for other pathologies is very limited, in part no doubt due to the poor preservation and representation of articular ends of longbones and vertebrae. Dental pathology is also low, with caries occurring on only one individual in the surviving assemblage. Interproximal grooves are present on a number of molars, and striations are also seen on some anterior teeth relating to non-dietary activities. Dental microwear analysis examines the occlusal wear on a number of molars in greater detail, provisionally suggesting a softer diet and more important role for plant foods than might have been expected for hunter-gatherers in a north-temperate environment. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis of 18 individuals shows no secure evidence for any consumption of marine foods, with implications for seasonal and lifetime mobility of the population using Aveline's Hole. In apparent contradiction to the microwear findings, stable nitrogen values are high relative to contemporary fauna and suggest high consumption of animal protein. However, the two methods of palaeodietary analysis operate at very different time-scales, and also may emphasise different foods. Strontium isotope analysis suggests that most individuals interred at the site were drawn from the Mendips and its surrounding area, though some movement to the Chalk Downs may be indicated. AMS dating results further confirm an Early Mesolithic (10000-8500 BP) attribution to the burials, and in fact place the use of the site as a cemetery within a surprisingly brief period, between 8460 and 8140 cal BC, with a good probability that use was concentrated within a period of only 70-180 years. A brief discussion of the surviving faunal assemblage is also presented, including some new findings not noted in the original reports. Attempts to extract pollen from sediment in the medullary cavities of four long bones were partly successful, and the results consistent with an open pine-birch woodland in the area near the time of burial. The same sediments were analysed to determine their origin, which was found to be local to the cave environment. Finally, the wider significance of the site is discussed, with a tentative proposal that increased territoriality relating to rapidly rising sea levels in the early Holocene may be implicated.

UBSS - A Possible Mesolithic Engraving in Aveline's Hole - Mullan,G.J., and Wilson,L.J

Mullan,G.J., and Wilson,L.J., 2005. A Possible Mesolithic Engraving in Aveline's Hole, Burrington Combe, North Somerset. UBSS Proceedings, 23(2) , pp 75-85

Abstract: In July 2003, a group of engraved crosses were found in Aveline's Hole, Burrington Combe. Although it has not been possible to apply direct dating techniques to them, the evidence from their appearance and their archaeological context suggests that they may have been engraved during the early Mesolithic at a time when the cave was in use as a cemetery. Evidence for portable art from this site is also reviewed


UBSS - The Long Barrows and Long Mounds of West Mendip

Lewis,J., 2009. The long barrows and long mounds of West Mendip. UBSS Proceedings, 24(3) , pp 187-206

Abstract: This article considers the evidence for Early Neolithic long barrow construction on the West Mendip plateau, Somerset. It highlights the difficulties in assigning long mounds a classification on surface evidence alone and discusses a range of earthworks which have been confused with long barrows. Eight possible long barrows are identified and their individual and group characteristics are explored and compared with national trends. Gaps in the local distribution of these monuments are assessed and it is suggested that areas of absence might have been occupied by woodland during the Neolithic. The relationship between long barrows and later round barrows is also considered.

Priddy Long Barrow

UBSS - The Priddy Long Barrow - Phillips,C.W., and Taylor,H

Phillips,C.W., and Taylor,H., 1972. The Priddy Long Barrow, Mendip Hills, Somerset. UBSS Proceedings, 13(1) , pp 31-36

Abstract: The Priddy Long Barrow was partially excavated in 1928. It had been previously disturbed. Its main structure was a cairn orientated approximately N-S with the higher and wider end at the south. Primary and secondary features were found. No objects by which these features could be dated came to light. The date of its construction is an enigma. From its form and structure a late Neolithic date may be presumed.

UBSS - Reinterpreting the Priddy Long Barrow - Jodie Lewis

Lewis,J., 2002. Reinterpreting the Priddy Long Barrow, Mendip Hills, Somerset.. UBSS Proceedings, 22(3) , pp 269-288

Abstract: The Priddy Long Barrow was partially excavated by UBSS in 1928, the first long barrow excavation to be undertaken by the Society. A very short report detailing some of the findings was published by Phillips and taylor in 1972 (with editor's comments), when it was suggested to be an artificial mound containing human bone of Late Neolithic date. Few other conclusions were drawn but intriguing details suggested that this was a complex monument, worthy of re-analysis. This paper details the results of an examination of the site archive and offers a new interpretation of the monument. It is argued that the Priddy long barrow is a non-megalithic long barrow dating to the Early Neolithic period. At least four phases of activity and construction are suggested. new information on the finds, destroyed during World War II, is also given and new plans presented.

Priddy Circles (Henge) - 2011 - New Excavations at Priddy Circle I, Mendip Hills, Somerset.

Report on the 2008 excavations at the Priddy circles by Lewis, J & Mullin, D


Peak District Prehistory

This is a new facebook group purely to discuss Peak District Prehistory. Its to show off sites we've been to, help for sites we can't find and to organise meet ups! If you live nearby or regularly visit the region, feel free to join...

Bull Ring (Round Barrow(s))

Youtube - Kirsty Whittall - The Barrow and the Bull Ring (Megalithic Portal Open Day)

Presentation from Meg Portal Live event at the Bullring 30/7/2011 of Kirsty Whitalls Archaeology Bsc dissertation regarding the barrow at the bullring, including resistivity survey results which were “not diagnostic of a barrow”. Interestingly her magnetic survey also had issues (see link for EH geofizz survey at bullring)...
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