
Image of Loughscur (Court Tomb) by ryaner

Very little left here, but I was still glad I took to trouble to visit.

Image credit: ryaner
Image of Loughscur (Court Tomb) by ryaner

300m north-west of the more famous portal tomb are the scant remains of a supposed court or wedge tomb (I’d say wedge).

Image credit: ryaner



Court Tomb


Class: Megalithic tomb – wedge tomb


Scheduled for inclusion in the next revision of the RMP: Yes

Description: Situated on a slight rise in pasture in a broad E-W valley with the W end of Lough Scur c. 0.25km to the ENE. This is a rectangular structure (dims 7m E-W; c. 2.7m N-S) of which only the S and part of the W sides survive. It is composed of contiguous orthostats (max. dims 1.2m x 0.2m; H 0.5m) with some displaced stones (max. dims 1.5m x 1m) present. The stones are situated on a grass-covered mound (basal dims 17m E-W; 12.5m N-S; H 0.5m at E to 1m at N).

The above description is derived from ‘The Archaeological Inventory of County Leitrim’ compiled by Michael J. Moore (Dublin: Stationery Office, 2003). In certain instances the entries have been revised and updated in the light of recent research.

Date of upload: 23 September 2008

Sites within 20km of Loughscur