Presumably modern tool marks on the boulder near the standing stone.
Image credit: A. Brookes/AMJ (4.10.2012)
Presumably modern tool marks on the boulder near the standing stone.
Looking SW-ish.
Cummer’s Stone and lazing companions.
Looking SE-ish towards the lovely Deveron valley.
Roddanstone, also known as the Cummers Stone, can be found a couple of miles south of Arn Hill and 1/4 mile to the west of the B9022. A single stone remains standing of this probable RSC, being 4 feet tall. Two other stones appear to have fallen whilst others might be glacerial or have simply been dumped in the same vicinity.
Visited 4/5/09
The Cummers Stone is the sole remainder of the stone circle which once stood on this site. It is around 1.5m tall, and there are numerous other stones nearby which may or may not be related to the circle.