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Wilson Scar

Stone Circle

<b>Wilson Scar</b>Posted by fitzcoraldoImage © Dr J.E. Spence
Also known as:
  • Shap North

Nearest Town:Appleby-In-Westmr. (13km ENE)
OS Ref (GB):   NY549182 / Sheet: 90
Latitude:54° 33' 24.46" N
Longitude:   2° 41' 50.79" W

Added by stubob

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<b>Wilson Scar</b>Posted by fitzcoraldo


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Sunday 29 June 2003
From Shap we went north to Shapbeck quarry for a quick ‘recce’ for any prospects of finding Wilson Scar circle. Being Sunday (hardly anyone about) we were able scout around the complex of entrances and car parks to the quarry in the car looking for any hints.

But as far as we could tell, anything that’s left is beyond the entrance to the quarry itself – beyond any point you could get to a) in a car, and b) without getting stopped.

If there is anything left, I reckon the only practical way other than a guerrilla-style raid would be to write to the quarry company and ask. Unless their PR’s completely crap, I should think we’d stand a chance. Unfortunately I can’t remember who it bloody was!!! If I remember or find out I’ll give it a try.

Having messed about on the web, I think it may have been Hanson. I’ll try to get round to emailing:
Carol Ann Walsh
Group Corporate and Investor Relations Manager
Tel: 020 7245 1245
Fax: 020 7823 1430
[email protected]
Moth Posted by Moth
2nd July 2003ce
Edited 15th July 2003ce


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I suspect that the Wilson Scar circle has now been destroyed. I recently found this brief reference to it.

"Wilson Scar (NY549182) excavated c.1943, in advance of quarrying".

There is a reference to the following reports:
Dr J.E. Spence, 'A Stone Circle in Shap Rural Parish', CW2 XXXV 69
G. De G. Seiveking, 'Excavation of a Stone Circle at Wilson Scar, Shap North 1952' CW2 lxxxiv, 31.

The Mighty Burl categorises the circle as a '4' meaning 'destroyed or unrecognisable' and also mentions the prodigious chronicler of circles, Barnatt (1989).
fitzcoraldo Posted by fitzcoraldo
10th December 2004ce
Edited 10th December 2004ce