

The Maiden Stone

NT 5830 7474 Friday 23/8/02
Walking east along the ridge of this amazing hill I’m seriously considering doing this ritual. There’s no one around, no cars in the car park at the base and no one up the Law. The views around are fantastic today (though the Lammermuirs are still shrouded in hill fog)- the nearest sign of life is a tractor busy in the fields to the south way way below me and the A1 even further to the north. I reach the Maiden Stone- it’s a large vertical rock sheet that has split away leaving a gap about half a metre or so wide through which one should squeeze naked to bring both good fortune and to increase fertility. The rock is about 1.5 metres high, so any flesh exposed during the ritual is hidden (apart from the squeeze in and out of the stone). I sit at the northern end of the Maiden Stone- it’s actually quite hidden down in this hollow- before I know it the boots are off and it’s only a matter of seconds before I’m completely naked atop Traprain Law! I go into the Maiden Stone and make my way along, the rocks feels warm and smooth. I stop almost at the end and, well, I don’t make a habit of this, but I have to admit it feels amazing to be sandwiched in rock. I squeeze out of the other end and go back to get dressed quickly. I feel so empowered, so invigorated. I want to go through again, but decide not to push my luck- I don’t fancy getting caught doing this!

Sites within 20km of The Maiden Stone