
Image of Witches Cairn (Cairn) by sdal

Witch’s Cairn in early 2009. The surrounding forestry has now been felled.

Image credit: SDalrymple


Witches Cairn

NT 6645 6723 Friday 23/8/02
There are no paths to this place, no tracks up here. Just four fire breaks in this forest converging on the Witches Cairn. The way up to this site is really hard going- knee high grass and bog rushes, flies galore. I’ve got full water proofs on as the vegetation is so wet, however, it’s also so humid that I’m as soaking underneath! There is nothing for miles- forests, moorland and deserted farm houses. The cairn itself is a rough grassy mound about 21 metres in diameter and about 1 metre high. At the centre is a modern pile of stones- curiously one of these small (25 by 14 cm) stones has a deep cup mark on it’s upper surface (4 cm diameter by 3 cm deep). Approximately 5 metres west of this central cairn is a large boulder 60 cm long, 45 cm wide and 40 cm tall- on it’s upper surface is a large cup mark measuring 5 cm deep by 5 cm diameter. Measurements done, photos taken I pack my gear and leave sharpish, this place is giving me the creeps.

Sites within 20km of Witches Cairn