
Image of Kell Burn Alignment by Martin

15/4/02-using my compass and his vast knowledge of Ancient Astronomies, Young Aed calculates the Summer Solstice alignments ;)


Kell Burn Alignment

Kell Burn Alignment
Monday 15/4/02
As we walked up the small hill to this tiny megalithic monument the sun made a brief appearance from behind the clouds and mist. These 6 ‘large’ stones stand on a mound about 2 m high which for all the world looks very much like the remains of a cairn about 9 or 10 m in diameter. Of the ‘larger’ remaining stones only one is upright and stands a mighty 40 cm tall. This is one of four linear stones running perfectly N/S. The other stones are now (1) earthfast, (2) 20 cm high, (3) recumbent measuring about 60 cm long by about 27 cm wide. A small, compact and beautiful Summer Solstice monument in some fantastic scenery at the head of Whiteadder Reservior.


Kell Burn Alignment
Stone Row / Alignment

Marked on the 1:25000 map as ‘Stones’. This four stone alignment was investigated by Thom who measured the azimuths of 129.8 degrees (or approximately south-east) and 309.8 degrees (or approximately north-west). The results were -19.7 degrees in the former case indicating a possible lunar solstice and 23.5 degrees indicating the summer solstice sunset. Thom also measured the alignment to be 309.7 feet, but apparently only one of the stones is now visible- others may have been disturbed after the B6355 was widened.

Sites within 20km of Kell Burn Alignment