

Mayshiel Stone Circle

Mayshiel Stone Setting
NT630646 15/4/02
As we head up the Lammermuirs from Gifford, the drizzle started and the list brushed the tops of the highest peaks. Aed is fast asleep snoring away in eth back of the car whilst H-dog is just desperate to be out in the hills! Just about 7 or 8 m to the south of the road is a small (about 3 m or so in diameter) semi-circular peat banking with 7 stones protruding from it. The largest stone is only about 60 cm or so high and the circle is open to the desolate moorland to the south. About 10 m ENE of this semi-circle is another stone being about 80 cm wide by about 40 cm high- an outlier perhaps? Certainly this stone appears to be of the same age as those making up the main circle.


Mayshiel Stone Circle
Stone Circle

This site isn’t marked on the OS map. Burl has it as 617646, but I’ve found his co-ordinates to be off when looking for other sites. Curiously there are ‘Stones’ marked on the ‘Explorer’ map at 630646- are these one and the same? Once the FMD restrictions are lifted a site visit should sort this out, plus the good description from MacLeans “Standing Stones of the Lothians”. Burl has this classified as an embanked circle, whilst MacLean notes that the interior is slightly depressed.

Sites within 20km of Mayshiel Stone Circle