
Image of Gowk Stane, Oyne (Stone Circle) by thesweetcheat

A grey day, with the hills missing beyond.

Image credit: A. Brookes/AMJ (17.10.2013)
Image of Gowk Stane, Oyne (Stone Circle) by drewbhoy

Hatton Of Ardoyne is on top of the hill behind. Much further down the valley a selection of RSCs and hillforts.

Image credit: drew/tiompan


Gowk Stane, Oyne

All that remains of this former RSC is a single flanker which stands at 7 feet tall. Enter the Kirkton Of Oyne, from the A96, by the B9022. The site is behind the old church, past the manse, at the end of the tarred road, no more than a few meters into the field. Bennachie is to the south, views north are blocked by houses, east looks towards the Mill of Carden and west is blocked by a hill. Must have impressive in its prime!

Visited 30/4/09.

Sites within 20km of Gowk Stane, Oyne