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Visited 03.09.21

As Gladman suggested, the house adjacent to Sarsgrum Cairn has been renovated. The A838 is now part of the NC500 leading to more traffic passing the cairn, however it is still relatively easy to stop and view the cairn.
Posted by markj99
25th April 2024ce

Comments (7)

NC500: don’t get me started. Goodbye Paradise spencer Posted by spencer
25th April 2024ce
Hahaha - funny how everything has to be labelled nowadays... I guess the NC500 is something tourists 'do' as a 'Highland Experience'... rather than simply making your way around the coast using a map. Sigh.. similar thing watching the processions of motorbikes and retro cars doing 'the route' around Mid Wales. We are the robots GLADMAN Posted by GLADMAN
27th April 2024ce
I hadn't heard of this before, but someone mentioned it at work the other day as a 'thing' they were going to do when they retired.

I am a sucker for long distance walking (not driving) routes, mainly because you stand a better chance of the paths actually being open. They also take you to places you probably wouldn't have visited otherwise, which I think is a good thing generally. I get the desire to keep the 'tourists' away, but I'm a tourist in all the remote places I visit too.
thesweetcheat Posted by thesweetcheat
28th April 2024ce
Its the parking of camper vans in passing places over night that is the big problem plus the leaving of rubbish behind. drewbhoy Posted by drewbhoy
28th April 2024ce
Hit the nail on the head there, Mr D. The rubbish scum like that leave behind in Mid Wales would beggar belief if it wasn't so expected (although sadly in South Wales I'd say it's mostly locals to blame, which is even worse). Being labelled 'a tourist', I guess, is subject to what your motives are for being in a particular area and how you behave/relate to others... but perhaps more so how well you know the area. Although I know, say, Ireland, Cumbria or Cornwall fairly well, I'd still regard myself a tourist if/when I go back. Not so Wales, Scotland or Dartmoor where I try to keep as far away from 'named trails' as I can. I'd agree with Spencer that unless you are in the tourism business, the NC500 is not good for the people who actually call northern Scotland home. GLADMAN Posted by GLADMAN
28th April 2024ce
I totally get that, I'd like to think I don't 'act like a tourist', but nevertheless I don't live in Wales or Cornwall so I basically am one, even if I probably know more about the landscape than 80% of the locals. thesweetcheat Posted by thesweetcheat
28th April 2024ce
I have friends in Scourie and Durness, they have no problem with anybody using the roads properly - the big thing is people's lack of knowledge of how to drive / use passing places properly. As usual, the few give the many a bad name. We have the same problems here in Aberdeenshire as well, away from the main double track roads - Cabrach, Cockbridge etc. Probably a problem everywhere. The rubbish thing is a complete lack of respect. drewbhoy Posted by drewbhoy
28th April 2024ce
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