
Image of Dun Borodale (Broch) by thelonious

24/05/2013 – View down through Dun Borodale’s entrance to Raasay Old Free Church


Dun Borodale

24/05/2013 – We got the morning ferry from Sconser over to Raasay to have a walk to Dun Caan. I’d forgotten this broch was here until we walked past the old free church and there it was on top of a hill in front of us. A track leads past the church straight uphill to the broch. It’s a nice one and I like Canmore’s description – ‘a semi-broch or oval dun exhibiting broch characteristics’, seems to fit it better. The trees have been cleared round it so the view over to the big hills on Skye is quite special. Worth a visit with many good walks to be had in the area.


Dun Borodale

This dun would be the natural choice for the location of this story:

A man in Raasay, going to a black still at Suishnish for whiskey, and coming back with a skin bottleful on his back, saw a hill, which he had to pass, open before him, and looking in he saw tables laid. This was too good an opportunity to be missed, and he went in to join the feast, which was being celebrated with all manner of splendour: linene of the finest, massive silver plate, and gaily dressed servants waiting.

Dancing followed, and for a while he joined in; but, becoming sated with gaiety, he thought of returning home. He would have a fine story to tell, but who would believe him? He must have some evidence to show, so he snatched away a tablecloth. The hue and cry was up at once, and he was closely pursued. But he reached home safely with his prize, which he showed to all comers.

Macgilliechallum, the chief of the Macleods of Raasay, asked for the cloth, and asking, in the case of a chief, being then much the same as taking, it was given up to him. It was long in the possession of the MacLeods of Raasay.

p205 in Folk-Lore of the Isle of Skye
Mary Julia MacCulloch
Folklore, Vol. 33, No. 2. (Jun. 30, 1922), pp. 201-214.

Sites within 20km of Dun Borodale