
Image of Dun Merkadale by GLADMAN

The entrance.... and The Black Cuillin.

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Dun Merkadale by GLADMAN

The western flank looking approx south

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Dun Merkadale by GLADMAN

The peerless Black Cuillin momentarily triumph over the cloud base beyond.

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Dun Merkadale by GLADMAN

Glamaig is the handsome mountain rising beyond....

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Dun Merkadale by GLADMAN

This is a compact, tidy enclosure with a great view along Loch Harport.

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Dun Merkadale by GLADMAN

Approaching from the Glen Brittle road the tumbled stonework is a bit of a giveaway as to what crowns this little crag. The sundry farm rubbish strewn about was unfortunate... but then it’s not my land.

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Dun Merkadale by LesHamilton

The remains of the entranceway to Dun Merkadale set against the backdrop of the Black Cuillin.

Image credit: Les Hamilton
Image of Dun Merkadale by LesHamilton

Looking west across the grassy saucer of Dun Merkadale, Loch Harport behind.

Image credit: Les Hamilton


Dun Merkadale

Visited: May 10, 2014

Dun Mercadale sits about 400 metres south of Loch Harport, and can be reached by a good track leading from the start of the Glen Brittle road. There is space to park beside the bridge, and the dun is already visible as a prominent eminence uphill.

This well ruined dun is girt by crags, but is easily scaled from the south (the path circles round to the south of the Dun). The summit is a grassy hollow, with plenty intermittent evidence of its bounding foundation course, a mixture of stone blocks and grassy mounds: though no sign of galleries. There appears to be the remains of an entranceway on the west. As usual, there is a fine aspect from the dun, along the length of Loch Harport.

Sites within 20km of Dun Merkadale