The much older steps/footprints round the side of the Great stone
The much older steps/footprints round the side of the Great stone
Steps cut into the side of the stone.
Looking from the top of the rock to Ingleton note the voids in centre of the pic where the other stones used to sit.
The stone looking North note the modern carvings of peoples names, this seems to be an old tradition some of these name carvings are a few centuries old too!
More cupmarks.
Cup marks on top.
The Great stone in its surroundings.
This is an absolute cracker! It is HUGE and you can see it as you drive along the moor from Bentham.
Some more enterprising folk have obviously brought modern power tools out here to “carve” their names in to the rock but as the surface of this stone appears to have been defaced over thousands of years, I guess we should applaud their ingenuity!
Fantastic views over to Ingleborough; climb up the carved steps and sit a-top this huge piece of stone and just gaze upon the view. It must’ve been amazing with the other 3 stones in situ. Lovely.
A big old lump of rock in the middle of a very bleak and often featureless moor which makes it very hard to miss!
There seems to be a longheld tradition of carving names on this rock some date back to the 1600’s and are quite beautifully carved for graffiti puts the modern stuff to shame! Theres also quite a few cupmarks carved into the top of the rock.
Some modern steps have been carved into it to and some much older steps carved around the back that look like footprints it would have been very intresting to see the other three rocks and what carvings were on them.
You can just make out the hollows on the ground of where the other stones were.
I was also quite suprised by the number of people that visited the stone.
This huge rock nestles on the borders of Lancashire and Yorkshire and has steps cut into it these days.
It also has possible rock art and is the only one of four that remains in the area the other three are now rumoured to have been broken up for building stone.
This site also lies close to a place called Ringstones Lane (not to be confused with the two Ringstones sites already in the Lancashire section) however on this lane there is a site called the Ringstones that is possibly worth checking out if your in the area.