Sites within Claughton

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Image of Claughton (Enclosure) by johnes

Inner ditch near NW entrance, running from left lower centre of image up towards right upper centre, central mound at near right of image

Image credit: Geraint Johnes



A site with fine views over the Lune Valley and towards the three peaks of Yorkshire and the Howgills. The site consists of a circular enclosure; two ditches form concentric circles around the central area, in which a couple of hut circles are evident. The outer ditch is incomplete. There appear to be two entrances – one to the south east, the other to the north west. From the latter, a steep track (or hollow way) leads down the hill towards Claughton village. It’s quite easy to work out what’s what at this site, although none of the ditches is particularly deep.

There’s a great walk up the hill towards the Caton Moor wind farm, from which views over the Lakeland Hills and over the Irish sea to the Isle of Man and (on a really clear day) the mountains of North Wales are really spectacular.

Sites within 20km of Claughton