
Image of Kames (Standing Stones) by postman

Round here this is what happens to stones that ask too many questions.

Image credit: Chris Bickerton



Visited 31.7.16

As Postie says these stones are well looked after in the small but pretty village of Kames. Even the grass bank where two of the stones reside is well trimmed and neat looking. The one behind bars is also suitably manicured.

Watch out for the speed of cars on the road running through Kames – particularly at ferry departure times. As Greywether says, you pass the stones along the road if you only fancy a ‘drive by’.

Nice little place Kames.


I took two visits to these three stones once in the dark and again in the morning, it didnt bring any hints or shine a light as to the stones purpose.
These are the safest stones in Scotland, one stone is behind bars in the police station garden, (others will say “no its next to the memorial” but I can see the truth) the other two are opposite the post office, I can only hope my compadre’s are looking out for our stones. I don’t know if the two are built into the bank where they have always stood or if they were moved there.
In 1943 V G Childe said the two stones in the bank/hedge could be portal stones for a burial chamber, but some archaeological magic was undertaken in 2007 before some residential renovating, but nothing was found, so it looks like a stone circle with big impressive stones once stood at the centre of this village, but now only three misunderstood stones remain, still it’s better than some fared on the Cowal peninsula.
Clachan Strachur school I’m talking about you.


Three stones at Kames crossroads said to be part of a stone circle originally.

There are two to the NE – one 2.8m high. A third is by the War Memorial to the SW.

Visible from the road – from your car if you want.

Visited 31 March 2004

Sites within 20km of Kames