
Image of Ardachearanbeg (Standing Stone / Menhir) by postman

Close up of Ardachearenbegs river based danger

Image credit: Chris Bickerton



Visible from the road again (A886). I parked between two houses one of which bears the same name as the stone, walked twenty metres up to the gate climbed carefully over it and made my way to the stone, both the map and the view from the road shows its close to the river Ruel, but its not till you get right up to it that the true horror of its position is revealed.
It is less than one foot away from falling into the river, in less than two years it will be gone, maybe even less, if the river swells badly and erodes more river bank away the stone will give way, it’s already leaning away from the river because there isnt enough ground on that side, even an attempt to rescue it is frought with danger just a bit of misshandling and its gone.
There is already a big stone in the river maybe there were two stones once.

Sites within 20km of Ardachearanbeg