Clachan of Glendarvel

One more chance to find an interesting rock art panel, then I must start the long drive home, with a few more places along the way though.
I parked on the B886 overlooking Kilmoden church and its sculptured stones, then walked down the road a bit untill the Clachan burn goes under the road, then its back into the mossy forests one more time.
Canmore says all this about the place...

Cup and Ring marked Rock: 82 m SE of road’s E boundary wall, 75m SW of a burn (lined with narrow wood), hard to find in bracken, is a sunk schist boulder 1 1/4m by 1m and 15cm high. Near the E of its flat top, sloping 10 W are 8 cups up to 5cm in diameter, 1cm deep. When wet in low sun, two of these can be seen to be surrounded by a ring, much weathered; one is a complete circle, the other is a ‘keyhole type’, 26cm long, with a radial groove from the cup. (This rock was not found during field investigation in 1972.)
R W B Morris 1977; M Paterson 1970; Visited by OS (D W R) 21 October 1970.

This decorated boulder is situated in a recent deciduous plantation 100m SE of the road bridge (A886) over the Clachan Burn. Its upper surface bears ten cupmarks, one of which is surrounded by a single ring and another by a keyhole-shaped ring (Morris 1977).
Visited April 1986

It was last seen in 1986 as far as canmore knows, so here we go, the Clahchan burn is a fast flowing stream that is mostly waterfalls, on its south side is open woodland where everything (but everything) is covered in a thick carpet of moss, but we must ignore this lovely verdant paradise and go into the conifer plantation, where the ground is bouncy because of the several inches of pine needles covering the floor.
The moss on rocks in a plantation is different than in open woodland, its sometimes thinner and harder to get off or the pine needles turn into soil under the moss,so you pull off the moss only to find several inches of soil.
I think by now you can guess which way this is going, yes I failed again. I pulled off moss scraped back soil went up hill and down lots of times but still found nothing, my compass told me which way to go, and indeed it felt close, but Ive got nothing that tells me how far is 100m ( if only there was a small hand held machine that can track my movements on the ground) Damn damn damn.
Really quite annoyed I headed back to the car and then onto some standing stones, you know where you are with standing stones, they stand up for a start, and practically yell “here I am ”