
Image of Kinnerton Court Stone II (Standing Stone / Menhir) by thesweetcheat

Kinnerton Court II, thankfully free of summer nettles this time.

Image credit: A. Brookes (2.3.2013)
Image of Kinnerton Court Stone II (Standing Stone / Menhir) by thesweetcheat

A bit more overgrown than on Postie’s visit! Wouldn’t have found it without seeing his pics.

Image credit: A. Brookes (21.8.2010)


Kinnerton Court Stone II

Visited 25.6.16

The stone can be found at the edge of the road pretty much opposite the public footpath sign. I notice the grass verge has recently been cut back by the council. I wonder how many mower blades have been damaged on this stone? The low stone was covered in nettles on my visit. This is a stone which would be easy to miss!

Kinnerton Court Stone II

I read the two misc notes and became determined to find this stone at all costs, Shropshire traveller was miles away it’s not in any field, I think he really did see a tree trunk, Kammer was so close that I had to smile to myself as I stood next to the stone. He guessed it was in someones garden but it’s actually right on the edge of the road. Almost ironically the place both Kammer and the shroppy traveller parked is right next to the stone, so close but so far.

It still took me longer to find the stone than it should have, I had the map, looked on Coflein, but the size of the stone and it’s unexpected nearness to the road didnt help much. Both me and Eric felt the stone was sunk further in the ground than it used to be, maybe for road safety, or perhaps it’s just a little one, either way a good one to find.


Kinnerton Court Stone II
Standing Stone / Menhir

Was here yesterday! I believe I found the stone, though could not visit. It’s in the next but one field boundary I think slightly to the north east, and I was not sure if it was a stone, or a tree trunk! A waiting car load on a hot day, and a horse desiring attention in the field concerned prevented me from taking a closer look. Tim.


Kinnerton Court Stone II
Standing Stone / Menhir

I tried to find this stone without a map on 21st June 2003, towards the end of a very long day. I snooped around the fields on the opposite side of the road to the Kinnerton Court Stone I but found nothing. Hay fever and a car full of very tired people stopped me from searching further afield.

Having looked at the map, I think this stone may lie in the garden of a house a bit further north than the field where I was searching. Next time I’ll take a map and the GPS.

Sites within 20km of Kinnerton Court Stone II