
Image of Robin Hood’s Butts (Gerrick) (Round Barrow(s)) by fitzcoraldo

Rabbits, Antiquarian barrow diggers and the War Dept. have taken their toll on many of the areas mounds. Here the centre of the mound has been dug out revealing the earth and cobble construction.
The inset picture is a small collection of flint chips and a brass bullet case found on the sides of the mound. The two flints on the right hand side show signs of being struck.


Robin Hood’s Butts (Gerrick)

A nice accessible group of round barows with one big bugger standing out above the rest. This fella has a number of large stones around the base which could possible be the remains of a Kerb.
Also there are an enormous amounts of many varieties of fungi growing on the large barrow!

Sites within 20km of Robin Hood’s Butts (Gerrick)