This is the easiest barrow of this group to visit as it stands just a few metres to the west of a small car parking area next to the Whitby – Goathland road. EH says it measures about 13 metres by 1 metre tall and like many of these barrows has a large hollow in its top – the result of antiquarian excavations or plundering in the past. While Breckon Howe is clearly visible from here, I don’t think the next barrow in the chain, Flass Brow, can be seen from this point (I need to check the sightline again)
Although Sil Howe appears on the SMR it is not shown on either the 1:50000 or 1:25000 OS maps. This seems rather strange as it was formerly the home of the Lilla cross between 1952-1962 which would have been a prominent local landmark.