


Visited 21.7.14

Funnily enough I have driven past this stone several times over the years and although I have noticed it I didn’t realise its prehistoric origin.

It is fairly easy to pull over on the grass verge for a quick look at the stone although the A827 can be busy. The stone is on the left hand side of the road if travelling north into Killin.

The stone is about 1m tall and has a pointy top. It is leaning backwards away from the road.

Worth looking out for when heading to/from Killin.


Acharn Standing Stone
Sunday 19/5/02
Buzzing with energy from visiting the nearby Kinnell stone circle I drive out of Killin just along the road to the west to visit this monolith. It’s been moved from it’s original position, but has now been given a commanding view at the roadside. It’s been built into the banking here, the point of the stone drawing my gaze toward the dark sky above.

Sites within 20km of Acharn