A few years ago I found a marked rock about three miles from here and at a height of 690 m it was esily the highest in the UK and I didn’t think it that likely to find anything much higher .
Until these two .They are not much to look at but the context is astonishing . The boss and surrounding groove is at 844 m and the cup mark is at 1011 m . .When you consider the latter is higher than Skafell and there are only 120 hills above 1011m in Scotland the chances of finding something higher is diminishing .
As is well known, Belatane, or the first day of May (old style), was one of the sacred days of the ancient Highlanders. In my grandfather’s youth it was the custom for the young men and maidens of Lawers to climb to the summit of Ben Lawers on that day to see the sun rise, and it was a race between the young men which of them would first reach and drink out of a spring called ‘Fuaran Bhain-tighearna Labhair’ – the Lady of Lawers’s Well.
Fragments of Breadalbane Folk-Lore, by James MacDiarmid, in Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Inverness, Volume 28 (1912-14), here.