As usual there is no tradition extant regarding these marks. “The oldest inhabitant” knows nothing about them, and never heard them referred to in any way, one exception being that one of the stones here was known in my informant’s youth as “the Stone of the Pots.”
This stone is a large half-buried boulder of mica-schist, flat in shape, above 8 feet long and nearly the same breadth, about 30 inches above ground, slanting upwards from the north, and on the upper slanting side there are 15 undoubted original cup-marks. But as it had been used by the children of many generations as a slide, the marks are a good deal defaced. The cups are from 1 1/2 inches to 2 1/2 inches in diameter, and the smaller ones are shallow, the larger in some cases being about 1 inch deep, and some of them were deepened by men now living, when they were boys, by working on them with nails; they had also tried to make cups with the nails, but these are easily distinguished.
Some years ago the stone was bored for blasting, but fear of the consequences to the adjoining house prevented this being
done, and it is now likely to remain uninjured and in its present position for many years to come. It is situated at the east side of thegarden wall, which at one time had been the gable of the old house of Auchleskine.
From Gow, J M (1887 )
‘Notes in Balquhidder: Saint Angus, curing wells, cup-marked stones, etc’,
Proc Soc Antiq Scot, 21, 1886-7, 86.
An OS visit of 1968 (mentioned in the RCAHMS record) says “This stone, at NN 5441 2096, is partly covered with turf. Only two faint cups are visible but by pulling back the turf six other were exposed. Three of these show sign of having been deepened. The name “Stone of the Pots” could not be confirmed locally.”