West from the same farm-house, in the field behind the byre, there is a buried boulder nearly level with the ground. It measures about 4 feet long, the same breadth, and in the centre of the top there is a large cup about 5 inches diameter and 1 inch deep.
J M Gow’s 1887 ‘Notes in Balquhidder: Saint Angus, curing wells, cup-marked stones, etc’,
Proc Soc Antiq Scot, 21, 1886-7, 84.
In 1962 the OS had a look and couldn’t spot it “Mr Ferguson, a [local farmer] of eighty with a good local knowledge, had no knowledge of it.” Hmm.
In 1979 there are two reports – the OS found the stone at NN 5435 2097. But the RCAHMS couldn’t seem to find it. Crafty cupmarks.
A challenge for cup mark finders. Perhaps it’s turned up again. Perhaps the owners of the land might like to know where it is.