There was an old man named Johnny McKeown, who lived in a little house by the roadside close to Rice’s Fort. He used to say that one night he was sitting by the fire and he heard a noise on the road, so he went and opened the door and looked out. It was a bright moonlight night, and he saw a regiment of soldiers coming down the road towards him. They were very tired-looking and foot-sore, and “drabbed,” and they came right into his yard, marching two and two, several hundreds of them. They went into the field behind and into Rice’s Fort. Of course it was the “gentry” coming back from some fight between themselves – [T. Curtis].
Note – Rice’s Fort is said to contain a cave, or subterranean chamber, with a passage ending in the little marsh between it and Fort Hill. There is said to be a similar passage from the fort at Fort Hill to the marsh. The two forts are connected by a “fairy pass;” and one night, when Curtis and another man were standing beside this path, they heard a sound like many horses galloping past quite close to them.
From ‘Traditions and Superstitions collected at Kilcurry, County Louth, Ireland’ by Bryan J Jones and commented on by W B Yeats, in Folklore v10, no.1 (March 1899), pp. 119-123. It has a little sketch map, so I know I’ve got the right fort this time...