
Image of Drumsinnot (Cup and Ring Marks / Rock Art) by CianMcLiam

Cup and four rings visible off centre, cup and single ring above this to the right and one or two possible cups dotted about. A very weathered three or four ring design is to the left of the outcrop, better photos of this coming soon.

Image credit: Ken Williams/ 2007
Image of Drumsinnot (Cup and Ring Marks / Rock Art) by ryaner

Some of the cup-marks wrap around the side of the stone.

Image credit: ryaner
Image of Drumsinnot (Cup and Ring Marks / Rock Art) by ryaner

I counted 20 ‘elongated’ cup-marks on this stone. There may be more.

Image credit: ryaner



Parked at H958081 and crossed the road, over the unpainted farm gate and headed south. This is a large field and you need to head along its western edge. Careful of some extremely frisky bullocks! When you reach the south-western corner of the field, cross into the next field over to your west. You should see the outcrop from here.
There’s more than one panel that has markings here. The most impressive one has at least 20 elongated cup-marks, some being 3 centimetres deep. The Arch. inventory of Co. Louth mentions at least 10 cup and ring devices. No ring devices were visible the day we were there, but there was a lot of growth on the rocks.
There is the remains of a possible wedge tomb close by, though it’s very hard to say due to modern disturbance.

Sites within 20km of Drumsinnot