

Rostrevor Standing Stone

[visited 27/07/13] Standing alone in the centre of a field on the edge of Rostrevor, this stone is pretty much unknown by locals. We stopped at the gate at first, parking up and then just peering at the stone like onlookers to some private event, then rushing on as we had family to visit. The next day however I made sure we had ten minutes as we went past it so shinned over the gate and had a close look.

This is a decent enough stone coming just up to chest height. I had presumed it would be edge on to the direction of the valley but it’s weird cross section meant it was hard to identify any meaningful potential alignment. Its not hard to see why it is located here though, the views are great and the stone is at the start of a pass which leads up and through the Mournes.

Access is fairly easy, just a gate climb and a short walk across a grassy field from the nearest road. The OS Mournes 50k map isn’t exactly clear as to it’s location, until you realise the marker is some distance from the text saying standing stone in the field towards town from the cemetery on Kilbroney Road.

Sites within 20km of Rostrevor Standing Stone