
Image of Warrenpoint Standing Stone by oldwarrenpoint

Close up of the standing stone taken from the roadside (field is still full of angry bulls) used 300mm lens so hopefully this will help

Image credit: Brian McCalmont


Warrenpoint Standing Stone

[visited 28/07/13] Unfortunately I only got to the edge of the field for this one. The large herd of cows and bulls, if the very clear keep out notice was to be believed, blocked my path to the stone. It looks to be a bigun though, over head height and standing proud on a knoll. I suspect the views over Carlingford Lough are pretty good.

Curiously an old photo shows the stone to be encased over half way up with a mound. My limited viewpoint hinted that a lot of that has gone, but a closer look is definitely needed.

Access isn’t possible without the farmers assistance, unless you are some kinda freaky cow whisperer.

Sites within 20km of Warrenpoint Standing Stone