Details of Cemetery on Pastscape
TL 53675280 & TL 53735287. Tumuli (NR). (1) Three Bronze Age barrows situated in Chaterhouse Plantation east of the Newmarket to London road, excavated by Neville in 1848. The first 5-6 ft high and 50 ft in diameter contained two cremations each with a cinerary urn in basin-shaped cists about 3 ft in circumference and 20 ins deep scopped out of the solid chalk. Other finds included a bronze pin, a fragment of coarse cloth in which the burnt bones had been wrapped and burnt oxen bones throughout the mound. The second barrow of similar size to the first contained one cremation with an urn but no cist. Finds included 8 black flint “arrowheads” (So called, evidently flakes) “unused”, near it. A heap of 6 similar “arrowheads” were found near the edge of the mound and 3 more elsewhere in the mound. A portion of a small bronze ornament must be regarded as a secondary deposit. The third barrow contained a primary inhumation and bones of ox and sheep, and a secondary interment of Roman (?) date was noted. (2)
A group of four barrows (A-D), lying on level ground and partly covered by a tree belt. (A-C excavated by Neville).
‘A’ TL 53665280. A bowl barrow 22.0m in diameter and 1.5m high, slightly truncated by ploughing on the south east side. No trace of a ditch visible.
‘B’ TL53705284. A bowl barrow 16.0m in diameter and 1.0m high, no ditch is evident.
‘C’ TL 53725286. A bowl barrow 18.0m in diameter and 0.8m high slightly reduced on the south east side by ploughing. No trace of a ditch.
‘D’ TL 53735282. A probable barrow lying on level plough and visible as a light soil mark on OS AP (a). It measures circa 30.0m in diameter and 0.4m high, but has been much reduced by ploughing. No trace of a ditch.
Published 25” survey revised on AM. (3) TL 537 528. Balsham. 2 cists, Bronze Age structures, excavated within barrows and ring-ditches. (4)
Four bowl barrows situated south-east of Heath Farm, and forming part of a dispersed round barrow cemetery in Charterhouse Plantation. The southernmost mound [’A’] lies 920 metres south-east of Heath Farm and measures 25 metres in diameter and 1.5 metres high. Around 40 metres north-east lies another mound [’C’], approximately 17.5 metres in diameter and up to 0.5 metre high. The northernmost barrow [’B’] measures 21 metres in diameter and 1 metre high. To the east, lies a mound [’D’] which has been partly levelled by ploughing, but survives as a slight earthwork, with a diameter of 30 metres and a height of 0.4 metres. The surrounding ditches are believed to survive as buried features, 3 metres wide. In 1848, three of the barrows [’A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’] were partly excavated. One contained 2 cists cut into the natural chalk, each containing a cremated burial. Evidence suggests that fires had been lit within the cists. Charcoal from the funerary pile and burnt ox bones were found throughout the mound. The other two barrows contained interments but no cists, and one had been re-used as a burial place during the Roman period. Scheduled. (5)